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    real estate settlement company

    What Happens to the Property Title After the Registered Proprietors Death?

    What Happens to the Property Title After the Registered Proprietors Death

    Death of someone in the family is undoubtedly a sorrowful event, and if that person was the legal owner of the property, there is one question that is bound to come in your mind – “What will happen to the title?” To change the ownership of the property, you may have to go through various formalities that can be time-consuming at times. But things turn out a lot easier when you avail professional property transfer services. It goes without saying that transferring the property title entails a complex set of procedures unless you have experienced settlement agent to guide you…

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    Why Should You have Title Insurance for Buying a Property?

    Title Insurance for Buying a Property

    Buying a property or a piece of real estate is mostly a once in a lifetime activity. Since it involves your hard-earned money and life savings, you should be aware of the risks that can come with the buying of property/real estate. The risks can, however, be managed by obtaining title insurance. What is title insurance? You obtain a ‘title’ for the property as soon as you purchase it. The previous owner hands over the ownership to you after you have completed all the formalities. This is completed through the registration of a document known as ‘transfer deed’. The main…

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