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    real estate conveyancer

    Applying for finance? Things to consider

    Applying for finance

    Knowing the basics of the procedure of applying for finance is important for you and more so if you are a first-time buyer of a real estate property in Western Australia. Some of the important points are as follows: 1. Think about the amount you want to borrow and rate of interest: Lenders use a standard income tests for calculating the amount of money, a borrower is eligible to borrow. However, a greater challenge is how comfortable you are to make the repayments after managing other financial commitments. For nearly the last 5 years, the Reserve Bank Australia has kept…

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    Why Should You Research Before Buying a Real Estate Property

    Research on real estate property

    Buying a property is perhaps one of the most crucial decisions of your lifetime. Everyone aims to ensure that no stone is left unturned when it comes to investing in a good property. A property can be a highly lucrative investment, if you do the proper research to narrow down the right choice. Even though property investment comes with a bunch of benefits, it has its fair share of risks as well. However, the property buying is a long-term process that has various aspects and overlooking even one may not prove to be a wise decision. Government policy restricts the…

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