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    property transfer services

    What Happens to the Property Title After the Registered Proprietors Death?

    What Happens to the Property Title After the Registered Proprietors Death

    Death of someone in the family is undoubtedly a sorrowful event, and if that person was the legal owner of the property, there is one question that is bound to come in your mind – “What will happen to the title?” To change the ownership of the property, you may have to go through various formalities that can be time-consuming at times. But things turn out a lot easier when you avail professional property transfer services. It goes without saying that transferring the property title entails a complex set of procedures unless you have experienced settlement agent to guide you…

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    The Importance of Verification of Identity in Western Australia

    property transfer services WA

    What are the factors ensuring a smooth settlement process of a real estate property in Western Australia? How these factors help you grab a successful deal? The factors are really helpful. Among all the factors, we are going to discuss the importance of Verification of Identity (VOI) of a property seller, buyer and the people who are offered with the certificates of the titles. The settlement services in Western Australia always prefer to conduct a VOI on behalf of their clients (and not for anyone else). VOI helps in determining that a genuine person is dealing on the real estate…

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